How can you help?
Supporting our mission is our number one priority but to do that, we need your help!. There are so many ways to engage with our Chapter and support the military and Veterans. Financial donations and in-kind donations are greatly appreciated as they help us provide care bag shipments and Veteran care bags for those in need. We are always eager to partner with organizations that have an interest in donating with in-kind items, hosting donation drives and letter writing campaigns, crafting pocket flags and para cord bracelets and even contributing with corporate sponsored box/bag donations. Reach out to us for more information and ways to partner.
Want to become a BSM Mom?
Blue Star Mothers of America has over 200 chapters nationwide and as an organization, we are always looking to grow our membership. If you are a mother, grandmother or female guardian of a child serving in the US Armed Forces or have a child that is a Veteran, we welcome you! When you join our chapter, you are supporting our National Organization as well as our local Chapter. Details on becoming a member are below.
What happens if you aren't a mother of an Active-Duty service member or Veteran but loves what our organization supports? We have an opportunity for you to join as well as an associate member. By becoming an associate, you get to participate in our activities and continue to support the mission.